You’ll Start Putting Onions on Your Socks at Night Because of these Benefits

It is no longer a surprise if you hear people doing unusual things these days, especially about health. The modern technology and research has been a great asset in discovering natural remedies and health improvement. The “old wives’ tales” on home remedies are either being proven as hoax or truth. A very good example of this is putting cut onions in the socks a person uses at night.

This may come strange to some people, but many are now doing this nightly regimen and have claimed to have better health. The idea is quite simple- you just cut a large onion, place the cut side on your heel, wear socks and let the onion stay in the socks for the rest of the night. This is quite irritating at first, but knowing the benefits this unusual health regimen brings may change your mind.

Onion Absorbs Toxins

This is the first because this is the main benefit of having cut onions inside your socks. Our feet have a lot of nerve endings and Ancient Chinese medicine points these nerve endings, or sometimes referred to as pressure points, as direct pathways to your internal organs. Since onions are effective detoxifier, having it sit on your bare feet can help flush the toxins inside the body.

Onion Clears the Air

Many people find the smell of onions quite irritating, but onions are great in purifying the air. Onions can kill and absorb bacteria, and it extends to the air. People who have placed onions in their socks will often tell you how they can breathe better and how the air felt more refreshing. This also benefits a person with feet odor or bacterial foot infection.

Onion Improves Your Brain Activities (NEXT PAGE)