This Women Drank a Glass of Tomato Juice Every Day for 2 Months : The Result is Amazing (recipe included)


  •  6 kilos of tomatoes,
  •  two tablespoons of salt
  •  4 tablespoons of sugar


  1. Remove the stems and first wash the tomatoes in cold water, and then cut and grind them.
  2. Add the salt and sugar and let it cook, but stir frequently to prevent burning. After it boils, cook for
  3. 10 more minutes and stir all the time.
  4. The hot, cooked tomato juice should be put into a sterilized glass bottle and closed tightly. When cooled, store the bottles in a cool place.

This homemade tomato juice will undoubtedly change the way you look and feel. Nevertheless, if you opt for buying your tomato juice, make sure it is organic, as the effects won’t be full.