The Ultimate Guide to Mugshots on Slimming World


How many Mugshots can you eat a day?

One of the most popular questions I got about Muller Light yoghurts and it’s no different with these. Out of the whole range there’s only one Mugshot flavour that is particularly (shockingly) high in sugars, the culprit…spicy sweet and sour! That’s bloody typical isn’t it, that’s my favourite flavour! There is one other thing their exceptionally high in…carbohydrates, but that’s obvious right?

Honestly there’s no real easy answer to this question, and I don’t want to recommend anything to you that I wouldn’t do myself. I think eating two Mugshots would be ok to eat a day, I personally wouldn’t go above this unless they were being eaten as a main meal with meat & veg.

Just to show you what eating two mugshots look like, here’s a couple of scenario to illustrate it better.

If you were to eat two spicy sweet and sour noodles you’d be consuming,

3.4g fat

27.6g sugar

107.8g carbohydrates

11.6g protein

1.16g salt

522 calories

On the other hand if you were to eat two Chinese style noodles you’d be consuming,

1.2g fat

1.6g sugar

64.4g carbohydrates

13.2g protein

1.26g salt

322 calories

You can clearly see from that example there’s a noticeable difference between eating two different flavours, the main being sugar…26 grams worth, that’s a huge chunk of the daily recommended amount.

Ultimately it’s down to you how many you eat a day, just be realistic about it, I’ve just given you the all the information in it the simplest form to help you make a decision that’s right for you and your goals.