Terminal liver cancer

A woman from Long Beach explains how her husband has been diagnosed with liver cancer that expanded rapidly and the tumors were too big for surgical operation. He was told that he has only six months remained of his life. Then she found out about the power of 100% pure frankincense essential oil. Her husband used it topically on his liver and under the tongue, every day. Then, during their regular check up, the doctor informed them that the tumors are diminished and that surgical operation is possible. The doctors succeeded in removing the tumors by removing ¾ of his liver. Her husband still lives and he is in good shape.

Five year old with brain cancer

A five year old kid was diagnosed with brain cancer. Their parents treated it with one drop of frankincense oil, combined with one drop of sandalwood oil, applied at the bottom of his feet. They also applied lavender oil at his wrists. The kid won the fight against the cancer.

Bladder cancer

Jackie Hogan was diagnosed with an extremely rare bladder cancer. The doctors told her that bladder removal could be possible. Then someone explained to her the healing properties of frankincense oil, which University of Oklahoma scientists have discovered, particularly in combination with sandalwood oil, is capable of destroying cancer cells. It is so good for this purpose that the scientists say: “Frankincense essential oil may represent a candidate on a growing list of natural compounds selectively eradicating cancer cells.”

Lung Stage 4- metastasis to bones, spine, ribs, hips, pelvis

Bebe’s mom suffered from malignant lung tumors that have expanded around her body on her bones, spine, ribs, shoulders, hips and pelvis. Once she began with the use of essential oils, four months later she was told that her cancer cells are dying pretty fast. Then she started to do her daily activities including gardening and going on vacation with her family. Seven months later after getting diagnosed with cancer, she was completely healed. She advises: Frankincense oil should be taken freely every 2-3 hours, topically over the impacted surfaces and the bottom of the feet. It is even more effective if you are applying several drops under your tongue.

Bone Marrow Degeneration

Elten heard the bad news that she has bone marrow degeneration. “Only three months later my blood tests are greatly improved and most of the markers are normalized! I didn’t do 2 of the last 3 phlebotomies that I had to do every 2 weeks. I’m feeling and looking great! Use these oils and believe in you and them. They will cure you.”

Breast Cancer

Frankincense oil helped me to beat my breast tumor. When the doctors wanted to perform a surgery, the tumor was no longer here. I had a breast cancer in February and eliminated it with the help of essential oils. I’m applying frankincense and lemongrass on my breast every day together with herbal supplements. During my last check up the doctors confirmed that my condition is perfect and the tumor is gone for good. I was happy because I don’t have to go through chemotherapy and I will not suffer its negative side effects. The doctors couldn’t believe what happened with me, since I didn’t do any of their conventional treatments.

Cervical cancer
The cervical cancer in my friend’s sister came back for the second time. Today is the day when the doctors supposed to remove her uterus. But she found out about the power of frankincense and wintergreen oils. She applied frankincense and wintergreen on the bottoms of her feet every 3-4 hours for removing the pain. She also applied this remedy topically on her abdomen. Only week ago, her illness was still showing signs in her blood tests. But today, only a month after she began with the essential oils treatment, her cancer is gone, therefore the surgery is canceled.


My neighbor’s son experienced a second reappearance of leukemia. He was treated with essential oils along with the chemo. He went into remission faster than the doctors have expected, and didn’t suffer from any of the negative side-effects.


My father’s friend has been suffering from throat degeneration that was expanding to other parts of his body. But he began with essential oil treatment last October. Frankincense along with natural remedies helped him to win the fight against this illness.


A man with pancreatic degeneration has been told that he has only 3-4 weeks left. He was treated with 3 drops of frankincense, 1 drop of each lemongrass, lavender, peppermint, sandalwood and natural remedies. Today he is in great shape! He was diagnosed only 8 months ago.


My friend is fighting against prostate cancer. During the last several months he has been using essential oils. He called me today to tell me the wonderful news that his cancer is gone and he is completely healed.

Basal Cell

My friend’s dad suffered from Basal cell growths on his nose. The doctors intended to remove big part of his nostril, down to the upper lip and more than a finger width into his cheek. He called me and I wanted to help, regardless I haven’t been working on cancers with the essential oils. He didn’t consume sugar in his diet, which was positive. Instead, increased water intake, consumed raw foods and was full of hope that he will win this fight. Only a couple weeks later it looked closed. One week later the weeping stopped fully and the redness in that area started to normalize. Within six weeks, the previously affected side looked even healthier than the other one. Today, there aren’t any signs of the disease, 15 months later.


“In February 2013 I went on my regular eye check up and the doctor informed that the growth over my eye is what I was feared of, a form of skin degeneration: basil cell cancer. Only a year ago I had my several suspicious spots eliminated from my neck, back and face by the dermatologist. After I have been through this unpleasant experience, I wanted to know if there is some easier and safer method of eliminating this spot because it was just above my eye. After a little research about the connection between essential oils and cancer treatment, I decided to give these oils a chance. I didn’t want to go through the same invasive experience like I did one year ago. I bought a little bottle of Frankincense and used it as recommended, 2 drops under my tongue and topically as well, 3 times a day. I didn’t notice any significant results during the first week, only a tingling feeling in the parts where I used it topically and internally. During the second week I noticed that it became smaller than the previous week. But already in the third week I noticed that the spot began to percolate a bit. It also became smaller. During the fourth week the spot burst and percolated more. The fifth week it continued to lose size and formed a scab. During the sixth and final week the scab fell off. I managed to remove a large spot by using and consuming frankincense essential oil. I was happy and shocked at the same time. This essential oil has done its job without any side effects.


Every morning and evening I applied frankincense and covered it with a band aid. Within three days the mole has been diminished. Five days later it started to bleed (just a little, don’t be afraid) and half of it simply fell off. Within one week it was completely gone! My husband suffered from stage 4 malignant melanoma which was removed one year ago from his back. But another melanoma appeared on his nose. He did radiation on this one, before deciding to go for essential oils. It has already grown up during the radiation therapy. After we started to use lavender frankincense, and immortelle on the melanoma, it started to diminish rapidly!