Top Reasons Why You Should Eat An Entire Avocado Every Day

Boosts the Immune System

Avocados are filled with antioxidants, an important component in boosting the immune system. Antioxidants help get rid of toxins while allowing the body’s cells to heal or regenerate. The most prominent antioxidants in avocado are Vitamins A, C and E. These antioxidants are very potent and can prevent simple diseases such as common colds, flu and fever, and the more dangerous diseases such as cancer.

Super Nutritious

The body needs numerous vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in order to maintain its health. This is why having a fruit that can provide nutrients that ensure a healthy body is truly helpful. Avocado can be a great alternative to other fruits combined because of its numerous nutrients. Some of these are the vitamins mentioned above, Vitamin B-complex, phosphorous, magnesium, manganese, zinc, folate, vitamin K and protein.

Effective Absorption of Nutrients

The number of nutrients is one thing, but not being able to absorb much of the nutrients will simply defeat the purpose. This is where avocado stands tall against other fruits. Avocado is proven to help absorb nutrients. The combination of the nutrients and the antioxidants is the reason behind the higher rate of absorption compared to other types of fruits and foods. This higher chance of nutrient absorption also leads to longer life and a stronger body.

Better Eye and Skin Health

Because of the carotenoids and other antioxidants, avocado can help keep the eyes and the skin healthy. The free radicals and toxins that the body may get from daily exposure to pollution, stress and unhealthy activities can affect the eyes, skin and many other body parts. Removing these toxins and free radicals with the potent antioxidants from avocado can help in maintaining the health of the eyes, radiance and youth of the skin, and a healthier body.
Indeed, avocado can be the new apple. It’s healthy, tasty and easy to mix with your everyday food ! If you don’t have it in the kitchen, better grab some now and start having a healthier, longer life.