Top 10 Reasons Why We Should Eat Guyabano Fruit

Guyabano is great for women, especially when pregnant

Women needs all the vitamins, nutrients and folate, especially when pregnant. Because the baby growing inside the baby depends in the mother’s health, having the right level of vitamins, nutrients and folate to support the development of the baby is important. Guyabano also help in water retention which is a big issue for most pregnant women. But the benefits of guyabano does not stop there. If the mother is breastfeeding, guyabano can help in producing more milk.

Guyabano can prevent blood complications

Iron is important in making sure our body’s blood is healthy. And iron is available in guyabano in loads. With the right amount of iron, the blood will be healthy enough to provide support to the body. This also prevents any blood complications.

Guyabano can help in bone health

Guyabano is not just filled with vitamins, it also contains calcium- lots of it ! Having enough calcium in the body can help strengthen the bones and prevent the loss of bone density. This means less chances of getting bone diseases such as osteoporosis. If you are recovering from bone damage, then having guyabano can also help the healing process faster.

Guyabano can help reduce inflammation and pain

If you have arthritis and rheumatism, guyabano can also help ! Because guyabano is filled with antioxidants, it is a given that it also has anti-inflammatory components. Sometimes inflammation also happens when a person has a fever or have an upset stomach. Pregnant women may also experience leg cramps but can be reduced by regular intake of guyabano.