Surprising Facts You Need To Know About Peanut Butter

It’s food for the brain and stress reliever

Yes, it’s true ! Peanuts and peanut butter help you keep a sharp brain ! Some people consider eating peanuts before or during studying hours, or reviewing for a long and difficult examination. How is this possible ? The Nuts’ antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties help reduce stress (or oxidative damage) to the brain.

Since it provides protection to the brain, we can see how peanut butter help an individual be relieved from stress. Aside from the relaxing and satisfying feeling you get from eating it, peanut butter contains plant sterol, which can also contribute to balancing the hormones when the body and mind is stressed. This substance also has the ability level-up the body’s immunity.

Dangers of Eating Peanut Butter

Despite offering benefits for your body’s health, there are cases wherein peanut butter may bring about some health issues.

It can cause you to gain weight

Always check the labels of the peanut butter you are purchasing. Though peanuts used in peanut butter are healthy, other additives such as saturated fat or too much salt or sugar can affect your diet, and may cause you to gain weight rather than lose some.

It can cause you to consume molds

Peanut butter has a high susceptibility to molds and fungi. Consumption of a type of fungus called Aflatoxin may cause late child development. Through light roasting, peanuts will be at low risk of having this dangerous fungus.

Peanut butter has been a part of our daily food consumption, whether it is during breakfast, snack, or whenever you feel like eating. It is good to know that this food supports the holistic health of a person. With the right brand and right amount of consumption, peanut butter is a great weapon and shield for our body’s everyday wellness.