Stop Eating These 5 Foods and Drinks and Start Having a Flatter Tummy

Dairy Products

Cheese, milk and all dairy products are really tasty, and even people who seem to have intolerance in dairy products still can’t get enough of it. But if you want to really have a flat bell, you should avoid dairy products and resist the temptation. Though dairy products are deemed to be the best source of calcium, but also contains unhealthy fats and calories. You may always get the right amount of calcium from other vegetables and foods that will not cause a little extra inch on the belly.

Salty Snacks

Chips, popcorn, French fries and other salty snacks can add the unnecessary inches on your tummy area. Besides from being extremely unhealthy, these foods are greasy and hard to break down. And because of its salt content, there is a big chance of water retention in areas you don’t want it to be. These snacks have also been linked to diseases that can cause your life, such as diabetes, heart diseases and cancer.

Fruit Juices

Fruit juices are supposed to be healthy, right? Yes, fruit juices can be healthy but not necessary great for keeping your tummy flat. Fruit juices can contain more calories than you can imagine. If you must drink fruit juices, add in some leafy veggies and limit to only one glass per day. Anything more and you can expect a bigger tummy.
Of course, there are other things that you must ensure besides avoiding these foods. Having the diet that works for you and a regular exercise to work on your belly can help a lot in order to get the flatter tummy you’ve always wished for.