How To Start When You Have 50+ Pounds To Lose

Step 7

When you master the fitness training you can continue with interval training. Interval training includes alternating sessions of intense training and short rest periods and gives amazing results. You can start by warming up and then replace two minutes of running or walking with 20-30 minutes of hard work out. This type of training has proven extremely effective in weight loss.

Step 8

After a few weeks you can add weight training to your routine to increase the daily energy burn. Hit the gym of consult a personal trainer for best results. If you don’t feel like going to te gym you can perform these exercises at home as well. Do 8-12 repetitions in a set for every major muscle group twice a week, never in consecutive days. You can do pushups, squats, pull-ups, triceps dips and crunches. Once you master the exercises add weights like dumbbells or resistance bends and do the same exercises.

Step 9

Sedimentary lifestyle is detrimental to your goal so avoid sitting and try to be more active. Take long walks, runs, go out bowling, vacuum and clean the house, anything is fine as long as you’re up on your feet. You can even go dancing just to spice things up! Whatever you do just avoid sitting for too long, it will undermine your success!