What Snacks Can I Eat If I Have Diabetes

Natural fruit leather 

With diabetes, you’re often looking for ways to keep your blood sugar down, but WebMD explains that after exercise, your blood sugar actually drops. So it’s important to keep a snack around that can get those glucose levels back in check. Fruit leather is a great option because it’s all natural and easy to pack in your gym bag.

Chicken noodle soup

A low-sodium soup is a great snack to warm up any day. Everyday Health suggests any broth-based soup that is filled with veggies and protein, and a small amount of noodles is just fine for a diabetic snack.

 Black bean salad

These beans are packed with fiber and protein that help stabilize your glucose levels and keep you filled up for longer. Health suggests mixing low-sodium black beans with diced tomatoes, cucumber, bell pepper, avocado cubes, lemon juice, garlic and a pinch of salt and pepper. Scoop it up with a spoon, or top a salad with it.

Egg salad

A hard-boiled egg is a great snack because it’s got tons of protein, and it can travel with you easily. But you can also mash up a hard-boiled egg and add a teaspoon (5.4 grams) of low-fat mayonnaise for a fresh egg salad. Everyday Health says you can pair it with some multigrain crackers, whole-wheat bread or even a handful of grapes.

Yogurt dip and vegetables 

Health highlights this snack because raw veggies are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals — and dipping them in yogurt adds some much-needed protein that helps keep your blood sugar levels in check. Plus, this snack is filling. Mix up some dill, lemon juice and a pinch of salt and pepper into your plain nonfat yogurt, and dip your raw carrots and broccoli right in it.