Slimming World Shopping List For Beginners (New Members)



Coffee, tea. Free with sweetener and HexA milk, (unless you add non HexA milk or sugar.)

Green Tea. Personal favourite, I adore the Cherry Bakewell one. Yum

Diet pop – Pepsi Max for me.

Water – Try adding no added sugar squash if you find it hard like water (who does?!)


Save the best for last, the list can be endless, so this is personal preference on what I tend to spend my syns on.

Crisps – Obsessed. I go for the lowest like Quavers or French Fries (usually the shops own brand alternative) – Or the minion crisps from Poundland yummy and only 2.5 syns!

Chocolate – We all love it. I go for those snack sized favourites these vary in syns but some as low as 3!

Mikado – 0.5 syns per stick!

Pink n Whites – 2.5 syns

Rainbow Drops (the 10g bag) 2 syns

A magnum – For the days you need it, you know what I mean. 12 syns. (<Worth it!)

I think that’s it, I am nervous about putting this out there as, well like I said earlier, I can get things wrong thus making you get it wrong but I do hope this is informative and helpful to some.