Simple Tips Before Bedtime For Quick Weight Loss

Boost Your Metabolism

Consuming a casein-rich shake before bedtime can help increase your metabolism. Casein is the relatively less soluble portion of milk protein and is sold as a supplement or as a powder much like whey protein. Cottage cheese and greek yogurt are other good sources of casein. An estimated 80 percent of cow’s milk protein is casein. One study found that casein helps burn fat while supplying the protein your body needs to promote muscle health and strength. Improved muscle tone will help you burn extra calories throughout the day. Antioxidant-rich green tea has also been shown to increase metabolism. Of course, green tea does contain some caffeine, so you’ll want to consume it at least a couple of hours before bedtime.

Skip The Sugar, Cut The Bloat

It’s best to avoid sugary and starchy foods during and after dinner. These foods drive the body to produce insulin, a major fat-storage hormone. As insulin levels drop – as is the case when you are asleep – your body can start melting away any excess fat.

Also avoid any foods that can cause bloating. Excessively salty foods can put too much pressure on your kidneys, which would otherwise flush out the surplus water in your body. Normally, your body would shed excess water weight at night so you don’t wake up feeling (and looking) bloated. Stay hydrated with adequate water to aid this process.

Ayurveda And Your Nighttime Routine

Ayurveda suggests putting extra care into your nighttime diet and routine. During the evening, avoid foods that are fatty and hard to digest, as well as sweets, chocolates, cold ice creams, and other frozen food. These all increase kapha in the body, causing excessive weight gain. Eat fresh or cooked vegetables, soups, legumes, and whole grains.

Ayurveda experts also recommend eating a small and light dinner since the body typically uses less energy at night. Any extra calories due to overeating will be stored in the body as fat. It’s best to eat early – aim to be sitting down for dinner by 7.30 pm.