Inadequate sleep induces cravings, decreases metabolism, and increases cortisol that may trigger stress bingeing. Eat tryptophan-rich foods like cottage cheese, pumpkin seeds, turkey, and cherries to increase sleep hormone – serotonin. Avoid fatty food, sweets, ice creams, and frozen food in the evening. Eat fresh or cooked vegetables, soups, legumes, and whole grains. Meditate or pray to calm your nerves.
What you do during the daytime isn’t the only thing that will impact your weight. A few tweaks to your nightly routine could be just the change you need to help boost your metabolism and even drop any lingering pounds.
Sleep Better, Manage Your Weight Better
Sleep regulates the body’s metabolic hormones, which means it directly influences your metabolism and your weight. Studies have shown that short sleep duration is closely linked to higher body mass index (BMI). One study found that with less sleep, the body’s levels of ghrelin, an appetite-stimulating hormone, increased. In addition, levels of leptin, an energy-regulating hormone that helps lower appetite, decreased. Thus, chronic sleep deprivation will leave you feeling hungrier during the day and with a larger appetite overall. It may play a major part in obesity.1 Setting yourself up for a good night’s rest can help kick-start your metabolism and lead to weight loss.
Eat Right Every Night
A good night’s rest can be easier said than done, but what you eat and drink can help dramatically. Most importantly, avoid stimulants, like caffeine found in coffee, tea, or soda, for at least two hours before bedtime.
A smart dinnertime choice to promote sleep ? Foods rich in the amino acid tryptophan, like cottage cheese, pumpkin seeds, and turkey. Tryptophan is a precursor to serotonin, a hormone that helps regulate sleep, and has been found to help people fall asleep faster. As little as one gram of tryptophan can improve sleep quality.
And how about dessert ? Try cherries: Rich in antioxidants, they help restore muscular function, reduce inflammation, and lower the risk of heart disease and diabetes. They also contain serotonin and tryptophan, both of which can improve sleep and promote better weight management.
Plan Some Downtime To Unwind
Inadequate sleep can also cause cortisol levels to rise. This stress hormone increases your cravings for fatty, carb-laden, serotonin-rich foods – in other words, foods that can calm down your nervous system. Unfortunately, eating these types of foods can also cause you to pack on the pounds – and fast. The higher cortisol levels found in sleep-deprived individuals is also connected to insulin resistance, which increases the risk for obesity. Taking the time to de-stress can help lower cortisol levels and promote good quality sleep.
Set aside some time for meditation, prayer, or gentle exercise, anything that can help calm the mind and body (stay away from any electronic devices though). Yoga has been found to be just as effective as other relaxation techniques and contributes to overall vitality as well. You can also try a good, old-fashioned warm shower or bath to allow your muscles to relax, setting the tone for a good night’s sleep.
Boost Your Metabolism (NEXT PAGE)