Here Is How This Simple Ingredient Will Solve Your Hair Problems!


– Softening body-scrub

The salt is great for healthy skin care. Combine sea salt with two tsp. of coconut oil and mix it well. Scrub the body gently with this mixture and it will eliminate the dead skin cells. After that, just wash the body with shower gel.

– Balancing face-mask

If you have easily irritable and sensitive skin, you can try the following mask the can prevent irritations because of its anti-inflammatory properties. It controls the secretion of oil and hydrates the dry skin areas. Mix two tsp. of sea salt and four tsp. of raw honey and apply it to a clean and dry skin (except the eye area) and leave it for ten to fifteen minutes. Rinse with warm water.

– Facial tone

Use salt as facial toner that will penetrate in the skin pores and cleanse them. It controls the production of oil and fight bacteria. Mix 1 tsp. of sea salt and 4oz of warm water in a spray bottle. Spray it 1-2 times a day to dry and clean skin, but avoid the eyes.

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