Meal plan

Again, I’ve posted before about meal planning and how much of a fan I am of it for saving money. The same applies here – if you meal plan beforehand and stick to your list, you’ll save money plus you’ll know what you’re eating all week!

Buy non branded items

I think the only thing I buy branded particularly is FryLight, as it’s free on Slimming World. Buying non branded items or supermarket own brand can save you so much money! Again, this isn’t just for people on Slimming World ?

Stay to group

If you go to weigh in every week, I suggest staying to group if you can. It’s where members can talk about their successes (and fails!) and offer suggestions if you need them. Members can offer meal suggestions which can be helpful if you’re stuck in a rut. I find group helpful as it means I am staying more focused.

Reach target!

Once you reach the target you set yourself at the beginning, you get your membership for free, providing you stay within 3lbs of your target weight. Nothing like a bit more motivation – everyone likes free! ?