Research Reveals: Children Inherit Intelligence from Their Mother, Not Their Father

Findings of the Study and Related History

Cognition is thought to be influenced mainly by the X chromosome. Theoretically, women are more likely to influence cognition, as females possess two X chromosomes while men carry just one. Of course, there is much more to the theory than the number of X chromosomes.

This is where conditioned genes (remember?) comes into play.Intelligence is thought to be a highly-conditioned gene – a conditioned gene that comes directly form the mother.

In this study, scientists used genetically-modified mice to test their hypothesis. They discovered embryonic test subjects that were administered predominantly maternal genetic material developed a disproportionately larger cranium and brain, while developing a much smaller body. Subjects administered disproportionate amounts of paternal genetic material developed a larger body, but a smaller cranium and brain.

In addition to cranium and brain size, researchers were privy to some other interesting observations. First, they identified six areas of the brain that contained only maternal or paternal genes. Second, they did not find any paternal genetic material within the cerebral cortex – the area of the brain responsible for executive functioning, such as language, planning, logical reasoning and advanced thinking.

The idea that mothers have a disproportionate influence on a child’s intelligence is not a new one. In 1984, the University of Cambridge studied both brain development (termed “co-evolution) and genomic conditioning. Cambridge sciences ultimately concluded that maternal genetics contribute more to the thought centers of the brain.

Fast-forward to today and similar findings have taken place, like the experiment described above.

In one particularly noteworthy study, researchers at a governmental agency in Scotland followed a group of 12,686 people aged 14 to 22. Each year, researchers would interview the subjects while observing intellectual development while considering various factors, from education to ethnicity. The scientists conclusively state that the mother’s IQ was found to be the best predictor of intelligence.


Without a doubt, the findings of this and related studies pertaining to intelligence will continue to be evaluated and scrutinized. As mentioned, no scientific study that makes claims to the development of intellect will ever be fully accepted by all.

However, if there is one conclusion that can be reached it’s this: mothers have a significant influence on their children’s cognitive abilities.

And it isn’t just genetics, either. Far from it. Nourishment and nurturement of a child directly influences their intellectual growth – two responsibilities mainly overseen by the mother. Furthermore, the special bond between a mother and child provides stimulus for them to explore the world and navigate problems.

In conclusion, women play a much larger role to the intellectual development of children than can be understood by a genetics experiment. However, the findings of these and other studies seem to buttress the notion that our mom’s give us our brainpower.