Quaker Oats, owned by PepsiCo, has been sued over its “all natural” oats containing high levels of glyphosate weed killer (sold as “Roundup” by Monsanto).
The New York Times, forever a defender of Monsanto and GMOs, is blatantly lying to its readers by claiming the glyphosate found in Quaker Oats is nothing more than “traces.” In reality, the glyphosate contamination of Quaker Oats was tested at alarming levels by a St. Louis laboratory using the ELISA technique.
Natural News recently reported those numbers in a previous article. They were also released by the Alliance for Natural Health (ANH-USA.org). The tests revealed glyphosate in whole wheat bread, bagels, hot cereals, coffee creamers, instant oatmeal and more.
Deadly glyphosate now being sprayed on oats, wheat, barley and other crops as a dessicant
Quaker Oats admits that its oats are sprayed with glyphosate by farmers. This fact is a total shock to most consumers who are completely unaware that glyphosate is now routinely sprayed on non-GMO crops. Via the NY Times:
In a statement, the Quaker Oats Company said that it did not add glyphosate during any part of the milling process but that it might be applied by farmers to certain grains before harvest… Oats are not a genetically engineered crop. But glyphosate is increasingly being used as a “dessicant” to dry out crops to speed harvesting.
The Quaker Oats company, apparently staffed by people who are scientifically illiterate, believes it can “wash off” the glyphosate even though it’s already soaked into the oats. As the NY Times continues:
The company said it puts the oats it receives through a cleansing process. “Any levels of glyphosate that may remain are trace amounts and significantly below any limits which have been set by the E.P.A. as safe for human consumption,” the company said.
But one thing I’ve come to learn as a food scientist — I’m the lab science director of CWC Labs and the author of Food Forensics — is that glyphosate survives food washing and food processing! That’s how it ends up fully intact in beer, cereals and other products.
“Glyphosate residues are neither removed by washing nor broken down by cooking. The herbicide residue remains on food for more than a year, even if processed, dried, or frozen.” – The Dirt Cure Growing Healthy Kids with Food Straight from Soil by Maya Shetreat Klein MD.
NY Times refuses to call out EPA’s criminal collusion with the biotech industry
The NY Times goes on to report:
A test paid for by lawyers for the plaintiffs, the Richman Law Group, found glyphosate at a level of 1.18 parts per million in a sample of Quaker Oats Quick 1-Minute. This is roughly 4 percent of the 30 parts per million that the Environmental Protection Agency allows in cereal grains.
However, what the NY Times deliberately fails to report is that the EPA colludes with Monsanto to artificially raise contamination limits to outrageous levels as a way to protect the interests of industry.
The EPA (see EPAwatch.org and ¬EPA.news), now known as the Environmental Pollution Agency, has also colluded with the nation’s worst industrial polluters to legalize the mass distribution of extremely toxic “biosludge” (recycled human waste and industrial waste) onto farm lands, crop soils, forage fields for dairy cows, children’s playgrounds and city parks. Read the book Science for Sale by Dr. David Lewis for the jaw-dropping details of the EPA’s “sludge magic” program rooted in total quack science.
Just as the EPA did with biosludge, it raises allowable glyphosate contamination limits to whatever numbers are desired by the biotech industry. The EPA is America’s most anti-science regulator, abandoning real science at every opportunity so that it can push a pro-industry agenda of the mass poisoning of the soils and crops. And the scientifically illiterate NY Times pretends that whatever level the EPA sets is rooted in the science of public safety. It isn’t. It’s actually rooted in protecting corporate interests while poisoning the entire food supply.
That’s exactly how glyphosate ends up in your Quaker Oats oatmeal, a product that used to be truly natural and safe to eat. Now, I wouldn’t touch Quaker Oats with a six-foot snake stick!
Source: Natural News
Image: Daniella Segura