The Perfect Weight Loss Diet Plan

Weight loss diet plan

At the beginning of the process of weight loss, you need to have a diet plan that will lead you in the entire period. You can easily find some popular diet plans, or you can follow these ones:

  • Your day should start and end with a glass of lukewarm water;
  • Stop drinking water during and after your meals;
  • You should not eat after 8 PM, but if you feel hungry, you can have a glass of milk or some fruit.
  • Eat a bit less food that you need, as your meals should be small enough in order to keep you full for 3,4 hours only.
  • You can try following a liquid diet, which involves milk and various kinds of soups. 25-30% of the meals should be liquid.
  • Avoid the consumption of junk food as they are high in preservatives and chemicals. These foods include pizza, sweets, fried foods, canned food, hot-dog, processed foods pastries.
  • The best alternative is to eat lightly cooked vegetarian food;
  • Reduce the intake of tea, soft drinks, canned juice, coffee, and alcohol
  • You should not have more than 4 snacks a day. Yet, some healthy variants for a snack are a salad, smoothie, lime juice, or a piece of seasonal fruit.
  • You should walk for 15 minutes before meals, four times during the day.
  • Moreover, in order to keep your body in shape and accelerate the weight loss process, you should regularly do cardio exercises.

We will suggest seven of the most effective cardio exercises, for every day in the week :


This exercise will help you burn more than a hundred calories in less than 10minutes. Moreover, it requires no equipment and it will also calm down your spirit and reduce stress, which is often a major cause of gaining weight. Therefore, you should kick, punch, and combine these two, against a bag, or the air.

Jogging in Place

This cardio exercise is simple, but it is an incredible way to warm you up for a more intense exercise. You should simply jog in a stationary position.

Squat Jumps

This plyometric exercise will accelerate the heart rate, it will effectively burn calories and will strengthen your legs. So, from a squat position, you should try to jump as high as possible, and land back into the initial squat position.

Jump Rope

This is an amazing cardio exercise, as it will burn 220 calories in less than 20 minutes. Moreover, you can buy a jump rope for a cheap price and you can exercise wherever you want. You should just turn the rope with handles repeatedly while you are jumping over it.


You should squat to the floor, jump the feet to a plank position, and then jump back in and standing up. This exercise is a fantastic one, as it will burn more than 100 calories in 10 minutes.

Jumping Jacks

You should jump the feet wide repeatedly while circling the arms overhead, and back again. This exercise requires no special skills or equipment, and it will help you burn around 100 calories in 10 minutes.

Mountain Climbers

Start from a pushup position, and run the knees in and out. This will accelerate your heart rate, but it will also provide body strength as well as endurance in the core.