Spices have been used since forever, and most of them offer incredible healing potential. Ladies and gentlemen, we give you the ultimate – Black Pepper!
Black pepper has a wide range of benefits, and its essential oil is one of the most powerful natural products you will ever use.
Black pepper essential oil – Health benefits
This oil offers antibacterial, antiseptic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, carminative, diaphoretic, diuretic, expectorant, febrifuge, laxative, rubefacient, and stimulant effect.
Antibacterial activity
Black pepper soothes insect bites and infections. Use it regularly to cleanse arteries, and reduce the risk of atherosclerosis.
Black pepper prevents/repairs damage caused by free radicals, and prevents liver issues, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Digestive health
This spice stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Improperly functioning digestive system results in colic, constipation and diarrhea. Black pepper prevents flatulence, and stimulates urination and sweating. There is no better way to expel toxic matter.
Neurological boost
Piperine, a compound in black pepper, fixes cognitive malfunction and memory impairment.
Respiratory relief
Black pepper relieves nasal congestion and sinusitis, thanks to its ability to dissolve mucus and phlegm in the upper respiratory tract.
Healthy skin (NEXT PAGE)