There is a belief among people that eating eggs every day increases the amount of cholesterol. Also, nutritionists don’t recommend them in case you’ve decided to lose some weight.
Still, according to numerous studies, the best breakfast should include an egg in any form, whether it is boiled or in an omelet.
Today, we’re here to present you several benefits that eating 2 or 3 eggs every day can cause. You can’t believe it?
1. You decrease the risk of any cardiovascular disease to appear.
400 mg of cholesterol are present in one hen’s egg. That’s pretty high. High cholesterol is very dangerous as it gives a higher possibility to acquire any cardiovascular problem or heart attack. Eggs can’t increase the level of cholesterol.
When we consume greater levels of cholesterol, our body starts slowing down the process when cholesterol is produced. ⅓ of the cholesterol that can be found inside the blood vessels is from our nutrition, but the greatest part is created by our own body.
A study from the Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, Louisiana had a research performed on 152 overweight subjects. They divided the participants in three groups.
Group number 1 ate what they desired for breakfast; group number 2 was given 2 eggs and group number 3 had bagels for breakfast.
According to the results which were shocking, the group that took 2 eggs managed to lose 35% more of their belly fat and almost 65% more of their weight than the people in the group which consumed bagels without any difference in their levels of cholesterol!
Eggs also contain a high amount of omega-3 fatty acids which can decrease the levels of triglyceride in the blood. Increased triglyceride values can also provoke a higher risk of cardiovascular problems, so if you consume more eggs, you’ll decrease the risk from obtaining these health problems.
2. You lack of folic acid and have a smaller risk of any birth defect.
One egg is full of vitamin B9 . It is actually 0.7 mcg (micrograms). This vitamin is also called folic acid. If you lack folic acid throughout pregnancy, you could really damage your central nervous system of the unborn child, but also its brain and spinal cord could be deformed. Eating eggs will supply the sufficient amount of folic acid for you.
3. The aging process is becoming slowed down.
According to a study by Charité which is a medical center located in Berlin, consuming some free-range eggs can help you against skin cancer and decrease the process of aging. Researchers Professor Jürgen Lademann and Dr. Karoline Hesterberg managed to prove that the eggs from free-range hens were full of increased levels of yellow organic pigments which are abundant in carotenoids that are antioxidants.
These are especially beneficial for the aging process and slow it down. Our body can’t produce carotenoids by itself, so a good source for us to intake them is through food. They are very important because they can catch free radicals and make them to be harmless.
You must prepare eggs properly so that you can obtain their effect of rejuvenating . According to Professor Lademann, one cooked egg will offer you carotenoids which are more valuable than a raw egg contains. That’s because when it heats up, certain chemicals change in it.
4. The risk of cancer is decreased.
According to a study by “Breast Cancer Research”, the everyday consumption of eggs will reduce the risk of breast cancer to 18%, especially in teenage girls.
Eggs contain plenty of vitamins, minerals and amino acids which connect to estrogen or otherwise called the female hormone. When the levels of estrogen in the body are increased, it is connected to breast cancer.
5. It’s good for your liver, hair and skin. (NEXT PAGE)