Water infusion is a new trend among health and weight-conscious people. The most common among water infusion is lemon water, usually served in restaurants and can also be simply made at home. Lemon is infused to give it a little flavor or ‘life’ to the usually boring water. It is also a good source of the vitamin C that we need to protect our immune system.
On a different purpose, some people drink lemon in hot water with the belief that it can help them detoxify and lose weight. Despite of the wide-spread belief, health and diet experts say that there is fallacy in this. Merely sipping lemon water will not decrease your body fat and help you lose weight. In fact, some people may have taken taking lemon water to a more dangerous road.
Here are some health risks you may get or develop from too much lemon water intake.
It may cause Heartburn
If a person is prone to heartburn, it is not advisable for you to drink lemon water. Heartburn also known as Acid Reflux is experienced when the esophageal sphincter does not function well, which caused the acids from the stomach to go up the esophagus, causing a painful ‘burning’ in the chest. Aside from the temperature of the water, heartburn can be caused or triggered, if the individual has this condition, by the acid coming from lemon. Lemon is in fact one of the most acidic fruits in the world, and when taken in large quantity, may result to hyper acidity.
It may damage your pearly whites (NEXT PAGE)