This Is How Much You Need To Walk To Lose Weight

In order to lose weight how many steps you need to walk?

1 mile = 2,000 steps = 100 calories burned;

1 pound = 3,500 calories;

Losing 1 pound in 1 week = 500 calories per day;

Walking 10,000 steps = losing 1 pound of weight.

This is how your walking style should be

Walk by keeping your eyes 100 feet forward, tighten your abdomen, hold your chin up, and squeeze your glutes. This is how your walking style should look like I you use walking as an exercise. Here the pedometer comes into play.

How often you need to walk?

At the beginning walk 15-20 minutes a day for 3 days a week, and then gradually increase it to 30-60 minutes a day. Before this, visit your doctor in order to consult with him/her whether or not you are fit for this exercise.