A large part of the world population has a problem falling asleep easily and quickly. They toss and turn for hours before they actually get a decent rest. Usually, people who suffer from insomnia feel tired throughout the next day, overuse sugar and coffee to remain awake, and may also become more prone to depression and weight gain.
How to fall asleep easier?
We all know that there are pharmaceutical sleeping pills that people take when they cannot fall asleep. However, these pills have serious side effects so it’s better to leave them aside and find a safer way to get the needed amount of sleep.
One way is through specific yoga poses. Namely, numerous scientific studies have shown the amazing health benefits of practicing yoga. If you’re a beginner, hold the poses no more than 60 seconds. Later on, you can prolong the duration to 5 minutes and even longer. Let’s take a look at the positions now:
Child’s pose
This pose will help you relax the nervous system, back, shoulders, belly, and the mind. If your buttock doesn’t reach the heels, fold one blanket and tuck it under it. Stretch the arms out in front of you or leave them relaxed at the sides. Breathe deeply, especially into the back.
Bound angle reclining pose
This pose is also known as the butterfly pose. You need to lie on the back, prop the knees, put the soles together, and let the knees fall gently away to the sides. Most people cannot lie flat in this pose. Therefore, put a rolled up blanket or a pillow under each knee. Breathe all the way in to the lower belly part.
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