How Do I Lose Weight Of About 7 Kg In a Month?

You need to take some steps to loose weight like:

– Eat a lot of energy less high fiber food

– Drink a lot of water

– Take some good quality fat as it makes you satisfied and feel less hungry. Also makes sure you do not get into any deficiency of fat soluble vitaamins and essential fatty acids.

– Avoid refined carbohydrates

– Make sure you have a long overnight fasting

– Exercise as much as you can.

– Never stay hungry.

– Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates.

– Avoid fried foods.

This not any secret which you wouldn’t know. But it doesn’t always work for everyone. Each body is different and each person has their specific problems to sort out. The diet has to be customized accordingly. Diet can also reverse diseases like diabetes, HT, PCOS, etc.

Dieting without understanding can also lead to deficiency problems and other health complications. Be careful. Understand such things minutely. Stick to healthy foods and dont opt for supplements as they are nutrition devoid and also costly unnecessarily. All marketing gimmicks.

Hope this answer is helpful to you.