How To Lose Leg Fat In Thirty Days ?

Step 2

It is recommended to perform 30 to 60 minutes of cardiovascular exercise five days a week during the course of 30 days. Cardiovascular exercise burns fat speeding up the weight loss process over dieting alone. Consider doing exercises that also target the legs such as rollerblading, running, hiking and bicycling.

Step 3

Squatting two to three days a week over the month helps immensely. Squats along with lunges are the best exercises for thighs.

Step 4

Perform lunges two to three days a week for 30 days. Stand with your legs hip-width apart. Step forward with your right leg, bending the knee as shift your weight forward. Keep your right knee over the ankle. Push back with the right foot to return to the start position. If you have bad knees, step backward instead of forward into the lunge. Add resistance by holding a dumbbell in each hand. Perform the lunge to the side to target the adductors and abductors — inner and outer thighs.

Step 5

Walk as much as you can. Be away from escalator and elevators, take steps instead. Using the stairs burns fat and tones the legs. It can also cut your risk of premature death by 15 percent.