No matter the age, weight loss is always difficult. It doesn’t matter if you are a young mother that is trying to fit back into those skinny jeans, a grandma that just need to be more vital, or a businessman who want to look better with the white shirt on, losing weight is not easy.
You need to be motivated, dedicated and to be ready to face the changes.The bigger the number, the bigger the pressure.
With 50 pounds or more, that is not easy as well. You are surely fed up, and you know that is bad for your health. You are aware that you need to make a change.
With so many pounds to lose, how and where to start? No, getting started is easy, yes you have read correctly it is easy. And if you do it properly for sure you will have long-term effects.
Prepare and Make a Plan
Before you start, you need to be emotionally and mentally prepared for what is coming. Do not get scared of think of this as weird; it is more likely that you will succeed. With a proper plan, you will stick to things.
Before you start with your regimen consider this:
1.There Is No Such Thing As Perfect Time To Start
To lose a lot of weight,that will take a lot of time. But if you are determined to lose the weight, sometimes you will need to make sacrifices.
Bear in mind that while you make these lifestyle changes, there will be birthdays, vacations, holidays, nights with friends, dinners. You will need to make a sacrifice, and sometimes you might find it hard.
In times when you are tempted, think about your goals.
2. Losing Weight is a Full-Time Commitment
Bear in mind that losing a lot of weight takes patience and time. You cannot be dedicated only in the working days and at the weekend to go back to old habits. This is a full-time job. As long as you really want it, you won’t have any problems.
Remember not to expect incredible results after a week. On a weekly basis, you can lose from 0.5lbs to 3lbs. The greater results come later. You need to be consistent.
3. Sometimes You Will Mess Up
Let’s face it even the strongest and most dedicated person can make a mistake. The thing is to accept that and to move on. Not to stop with your plan, diet, and exercise just because you have made a little mistake.
It is OK, just get back and continue again. For sure the pounds you need to lose will make you feel pressured from time to time, but remember that you have some habits that won’t just go away overnight.
In case you are often making mistakes, you need to stop and think about it and remember about your goals, health and what in the long term will make you happy.
4. You Love Yourself That is Why You Lose Weight
You need to start with the proper diet and exercise because you love yourself. Start with a positive mind, that you love your body and you want better for your body. That is the only way you are going to end up with a positive outcome.
Do not do it because you hate your body. It is your body, accept it and love it. And when you love something you need to cherish it and take care of it.
Do not make the usual mistake to set goals that are linked to your clothing size or with some number on the scale. If you approach the issue like that, it will only make you feel pressured.
Instead, start with something that will make you feel proud at the end of the day. Something like taking the dancing lessons you always wanted to go to. Or running, for example, 5k will make you feel proud at the end.
Bear in mind that one change at a time is enough. You can try to add one new healthy habit every second week, and that won’t be overwhelming for you.
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