Your Ketogenic Diet Plan is Wrong! (10 Mistakes Killing Your Keto Diet)

4. Heavy Cardio can kick you out of Ketosis

I always have to repeat myself when it comes to cardio… Don’t do it!… If anything, do HIIT training… If your cortisol raises, you’re just eating away at your muscles.

Let me tell you a story! Really quick, I promise…

A client of mine insisted on jogging two miles a day on keto. He always complained about feeling weak and lacked energy. Of course he would complain about muscle loss (that’s a given). I would always remind him about what he was doing to his body. I kind of got sick of telling him over and over…

Eventually he started working with some “Bodybuilding” trainer who told him to eat “at least” 150 carbs a day, stay away from fats and keep jogging. He argued me up and down about the trainer being right…lol… I told him to “do what’s best for you”. I washed my hands of it.

Two months go by and I get a phone call… It was him… The first thing that came out of his mouth was… “You was right”…

I could rant on it some more but I know you’re here looking for results so… Basically, if you’re going to run, do HIIT instead or your body will find that immediate fuel source (which is muscle). We don’t want that.

3. Not Exercising at all on a Keto Diet protocol

If you don’t exercise, you might as well give up trying to Keto adapt and stick to a standard low carb diet. Exercise is vital for bone health. Working out is good for your joints as well as heart health.

Exercise also boosts metabolism and improves your mood. You’re looking to increase energy right? Exercise is also good for lowering stress levels.

Even if you can only do yoga or other breathing types of exercise… DO IT!!!

2. Not Getting Enough Sleep? The Keto Diet Kryptonite

Make sure you’re getting enough sleep… This is important because this is when all the magic happens!

Our bodies repair itself when we sleep. Getting into a deep REM-state is important for keto adapting.

A lot of women that I work with are estrogen dominant because of lack of sleep. Men not only have low testosterone but are becoming estrogen dominant as well (i.e. man-boobs, tire belly and massive hips).

So turn those smart-phones off and get to Bed!

1. Not Getting Enough Fats? The Ketogenic diet Killer

You have to train your body to start utilizing fats as fuel instead of carbohydrates. This is the number one culprit because almost everyone I work with struggles to get at least 150g to 200g fats daily.

The key is to split your fats up in the meals you eat throughout the day. You don’t have to drink coconut oil out of the jar (like I do), or eat slices of butter as a snack (like i do). But it is important in the beginning stages of a ketogenic diet to get sufficient amounts of fat.

Are You On The “Right” Ketogenic Diet Plan?

If you’re struggling with a keto diet plan that you found online somewhere, or looking to get started. Even if you’re just looking for an Awesome Ketogenic Diet Plan that’s straight to the point.

I have an easy to follow guide that simplifies everything so you don’t Waste Anymore Time trying to figure everything out on your own.