Keto Diet Plan For Beginners Step By Step Guide

Keto Diet Plan For Beginners: Personal Macros

3) Now that you have the information you need about your body’s present condition and info on ketosis, head over to this Keto Calculator Tutorial, and figure out how many grams of Carbohydrates, Fat, and Protein you need each day to lose weight. These numbers are critical so don’t forget to write them down. I keep a piece of paper pinned to my wall so I can easily see them when planning meals.

Keto Diet Plan For Beginners: Goals

4) So, how are you feeling? Are you excited to see the numbers behind what you will be eating? You should be, because you are about to discover how you can lose weight, and still enjoy foods that taste amazing! This is going to be the last big project you complete before we get to the actual food.

5) By now you should know both where you are and where you want to be. Those are the first steps. Now it’s time to start planning your meals. You can use these food lists to help you figure out what kinds of foods you should be eating. Remember this is not a diet plan that has an end date. This is a lifestyle change that you will pass on to your children.

If you start at 20g of carbohydrates a day, you should slowly move to 50 as you reach your goal. Once you reach your goal, you can up your carbs as you see how they effect your weight. If you eat fruit for a week and gain weight, cut back. You have to figure out what works best for you. Ketosis is usually reached by only consuming 50g of carbs or less each day so that should be your starting range. I would not move past this until you have reached your goal weight and started to exercise daily (more about exercise is at the bottom of this post).

Keto Diet Plan For Beginners: Food

6) Now it’s your turn! Get to work creating healthy and delicious low carb, keto friendly meals you will love! If you’re wondering about what you can expect, be sure to read weekly experience posts and subscribe because I will be writing more daily!