Honey and Cinnamon : Amazing Benefits of a Tasty Combination

Reduces Pain and Inflammation from Arthritis

The body can go through inflammation and pain when you have arthritis, and you will need an anti-inflammatory remedy ready. Honey and cinnamon are known to give relief for people who are suffering from arthritis because of the anti-inflammatory properties, and provides and maintains better joint and bone health.

Great for Digestion

If you have been feeling bloated, gassy or have been suffering from indigestion, then it is time you consume some honey and cinnamon. Honey and cinnamon combination removes gas from the intestine and stomach and also prevent bladder infections and indigestion. Both promotes a healthier digestive system and gastrointestinal system which can prevent more serious problems in the future.


Helps Prevent Diabetes

If you think it is a bad idea for a person who wants to prevent diabetes to eat honey and cinnamon, think again. Though honey may be sweet, it does not put your body into sugar overdose. The sugar in honey does not cause any fluctuation in the blood sugar levels and is a better source of energy compared to other foods. Combined with the antioxidant flavonoid in cinnamon which mimics insulin, you get a sweet and savory delight that does not and will not cause diabetes.

Honey and Cinnamon Can Help You Lose Weight

As mentioned earlier, cinnamon and honey both have anti-inflammatory properties which can help promote better metabolism. Honey and cinnamon also keep the body energized without the need for you to eat more food.