Additional Tips

The following tips are really useful in order to restore the health, balance, and strength of your legs.

Wear Proper Footwear. Even though comfortable shoes may sometimes mean that you should forget about the modern shoes and high heels, it can be of great help, as you should not constrict your toes. Your shoes should be proper for the width of your foot, and they should allow your feet to breathe, like mesh or leather. Moreover, your shoes should have proper arch support. Flip-flops are not the best option, as the grippy action your toes do in them harm your foot.
Soak in Epsom Salts. Epsom salts are great for feet detoxification, and they also boost the intake of magnesium.
Try yoga. Yoga is excellent to ground the body, as almost all yoga poses are based on grounded feet. You will learn to root the feet, and restore the body balance, along with your mental state.
Walk barefoot outside.This activity is also known as earthing, and it provides numerous health benefits. The feet are designed as flexible, and they grew in order to grip uneven surfaces. Therefore, walk in your backyard, or start wearing shoes with individual toes, which are miraculous for the feet.
Consult a specialist.You should see a doctor if you suffer from unbearable, constant foot pain. You may need to wear custom orthotics, which can improve the condition of your feet.
Especially if you are diabetic, you should take proper care of your feet, as their health is essential for your wellbeing.