No-surgery solution for uterus and lymph node removal

“I had scheduled surgery for uterus removal and lymph nodes around d/t cervical invasive cancer. I refused surgery, I refused CT-scan. I ordered Apricot Seeds, dry Apricots, high dose vitamin C IV administered by my friend RN. And today, 10 months later I got my Pap smear, result is clear. Nature has everything done for us. I’m 40. Now I will plan for one more kid.”

Cure for a rare cancer of lymph nodes

“I ordered this product for my brother. He has a rare cancer. He was told that there were some large lymph nodes. Doctor wanted him to come in to get a better look at what was going on before they did chemo. He had two weeks with the apricot seed. He ground 10 per day in his shake. When he went back for that closer look they saw nothing? Still it’s good to research before taking.”

Be healthy

“I grew up eating these seeds. Never got sick from it. If you ate 5 all at once, you may feel a numbing effect in your mouth, which goes away in seconds after you wash it down with water. I have had up to 20 in a day, and haven’t seen any negative effects, but you need to work your way up slowly. Don’t eat all at once. I feel healthier when I take these seeds.”

Treated 4.2 pre-cancerous pancreatic cyst of 20 years

“While I ABSOLUTELY CANNOT suggest anything for YOU and YOUR body, I took 100 of these (50 twice per day, I weigh 320 lbs.) for 14 days and they painlessly removed a 4.2 cm pre-cancerous pancreatic cyst I carried for twenty years, with ZERO side effects (FOR ME AT LEAST). I eat 30 per day every morning for continued health and maintenance. My other option was a (approx.) $80,000 life threatening, debilitating unbelievably painful and most invasive Whipple surgery. I suppose one could call these things “God’s little miracles”. They certainly were for me anyway!!!”

Removed oral bump

“I was taking this just to see what would happen. I had this bump on the corner of my mouth that appeared last spring. At first i thought it was maybe something i could pop, but it was as solid as the rest of my body. I used clay and that didn’t work. I gave up and forgot about it. I would take just 3 of these kernels a day and see if I noticed or felt anything in general. After about a month of taking this.

That bump became inflamed, sore and swollen, and the next day fell off just like a wart would. Now I wonder maybe it was more than just a bump!”

Source: Juicing For Health