Easy Slow Cooker Dinner Rolls



Warm the milk in the microwave

Pour the milk in the bowl of a mixer, sprinkle the yeast. Mix lightly and cover for 5 minutes for yeast to activate

When the mixture starts to bubble add the flour, honey, sugar, melted butter, and salt

Using the dough hook, mix on medium speed for 5-6 minutes or until dough becomes soft and elastic. You’ll know the dough is ready when it cleans the sides of the bowl

Remove from the mixer and place on the counter. Cut into 12 equal pieces (I used a weight to be more exact and each of my rolls weighted approximately 2.29 oz)

Roll each piece into a ball

Line slow cooker with parchment paper

Place balls inside and cover

Cook on HIGH for approximately 90 minutes

Check the bottom to see if the bread is completely cooked (bottom should be browned)

Remove from the crock pot and brush the tops with melted butter

Sprinkle the tops with coarse salt (optional)

Broil for 1-2 minutes or until the tops brown