We all know that many people around the world drink lemon water – first thing in the morning, immediately after they wake up. But, unfortunately there are also many people who can’t stand the (sour) taste. But, that’s a bad thing, because the super-healthy lemon is loaded with healthy nutrients and it can provide many health benefits. Just take a look at the article below and find out more about this.
The experts also say that you should drink lemon water every day, because lemon juice is loaded with antioxidants, protein, vitamins B and C, flavonoids, phosphorus, potassium, carbohydrates and volatile oils. This super healthy juice has many properties, such as: antibacterial, antiviral and immune-building properties. It will also help you boost your immune system and fight infection due to high levels of bioflavonoids, pectin, limonene, citric acid, magnesium, calcium and vitamins. You should also know that a glass of warm lemon water on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning, will help you with other things, such as: flushes the system, aids digestion, fights hunger cravings, promotes weight loss and creates an alkaline-forming environment to balance the body’s pH. Did you know that just 1 cup of fresh lemon juice provides 187 % of your recommended daily serving of vitamin C?
Note: but, unfortunately, there is one common mistake that most people make when they’re enjoying a glass of lemon water – they throw out the lemon peel (which is a bad thing). Why – well, because the lemon peel is one of the most nutritious parts of the whole fruit. Let me guess – your normal routine would probably be: slicing the lemon, squeezing the juice into a bottle and adding some hot or ice water. But, let me tell you something – this is actually the wrong way to do it. And, now your probably ask yourself – what’s the right way? Well, don’t worry, because we have the answer for you. Here’s the right way to make lemon water!