Turmeric is a spice with a bright yellow color. It has a very mild flavor and is responsible for the bright yellow tint of curry powder. You may also find fresh turmeric sold in fresh produce stores; it can be added to curries, stews or even vegetable juices. The active constituent of turmeric is called curcumin. It has powerful anti-inflammatory actions and is a fantastic natural pain reliever. Curcumin also has benefits to the digestive system, and can help relieve bloating and indigestion.


Good quality dark chocolate is definitely a health food. By good quality I mean 85% cocoa or higher. Dark chocolate like this is usually free of dairy products, and some brands are even free of soy lecithin, which is best avoided because it may be genetically modified. Chocolate with a very high cocoa content is also generally very low in sugar. The intense flavor in this type of chocolate usually prevents most people from overindulging. It’s just so rich that you can’t possibly consume too much.

The antioxidant polyphenols in chocolate help to neutralize free radicals in your body and can actually help to boost levels of healthy HDL cholesterol in your body. Most people with syndrome X, or insulin resistance have abnormally low levels of beneficial cholesterol in their blood, and too much of the wrong type of cholesterol, which can cause arterial plaques.

Healthy food doesn’t have to be boring and tasteless food. There are many delicious ways to reduce inflammation in your body, and reap the health rewards.