Bitter Melon : Forget the Bitterness and Savor Its Benefits

Bitter Melon can Suppress Your Appetite

If the bitterness is not enough to suppress your appetite, then the bitter melon’s low calories and fiber will definitely help you. The calories are steady source of energy, even in the small amounts, which gives you enough fuel for your activities without craving for more food. The dietary fiber helps a lot, too, since it can fill up the tummy easily and will keep you feeling full for hours.

Bitter Melon can Keep the Kidney and Liver Healthy

Bitter melon eases digestion and helps detoxify the body, therefore helping the liver cleanse the blood for any toxins, bacteria or infection. It also breaks down fats and kidney stones, which helps the liver and the kidney. If the kidney and liver are damaged, bitter melon’s healing properties or enzymes can help repair the damaged cells

Bitter Melon can Prevent Serious Diseases

All these benefits to this last but definitely most important benefit you can get from bitter melon- it protects you from diseases. Whether it is just a simple colds, cough, fever, or infection, or it is as serious as heart diseases, diabetes and even cancer. With further research, there will surely be a way to extract all these benefits from bitter melon effectively and help many people with health issues.

Judging the book by its cover is never wise, and it goes true even with bitter melon. You can still enjoy the benefits from bitter melon, just be creative in making the food with bitter melon and you’ll sure come up with foods that can still taste well even with the hint of bitterness.