The Best Exercise For Your Age


Time is probably tight for you this decade, while you’re juggling family and/or work life, so exercise needs to fit in easily.

  • It may work best to get your exercise done first thing in the morning by getting up early and going for a walk, jog, ride or swim before anyone or anything has the chance to distract you.
  • Alternatively, if you only have the opportunity to exercise during school hours, try doing regular exercise after the school drop-off, like a 9.30am Spin class, gym workout, power walk or run.

Best exercise choice: Combine cardio and resistance work


This may be the first time you’ve had the chance to think about what exercise you’d really like to do, rather than doing whatever exercise fits in best with others or a busy schedule.

  • Consider taking up something you’ve always wanted to try but have never had the time to commit to, such as tennis lessons, dance classes, a yoga course or pilates.
  • Exercise is important as it helps alleviate menopausal symptoms, boost wellbeing and helps control weight.

Best exercise choice: Weight-bearing exercise


In your 60s, exercise should be about participation rather than competition. It’s about giving things a go and not necessarily winning. The more you do, the better you’ll feel.

  • Take up a weekly planned activity and join a group or class such as tai chi, line dancing or aqua aerobics.
  • Try to be physically active every day by walking as much as possible, using the stairs and continuing to do labour intensive things around the house, like washing the car or cleaning windows.

Best exercise choice: Light resistance with weights in a gym, at home or in the water


As the saying goes, ‘use it or lose it’. It’s so important to keep exercising now because if you let your routine go, it’ll be harder to become active again.

  • There are many ways you can be active whether it’s through planned activities such as bowls and golf or incidental activities like walking, cleaning, housework and gardening.
  • Choose something that you can manage easily and intersperse the regular, planned activities you have in the diary with daily incidental movement.

Best exercise choice: Walking