Avoid Pain At Any Age and Stay Flexible With These 12 Everyday Stretches

Hip Flexor

While lying on the mat, bring the opposite knee to the chest while one leg is straightened, and hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

Trunk Rotation

You should cross the arms over the chest, rotate the trunk, and focus the look over the shoulders. Repeat on the opposite side as well.


Bend a bit and stretch out the spice, but not too far.

Trunk Lateral Flexion

You should bend the body to the side with the opposite side’s hand diagonally lifted above the head. Repeat on the other side.

Leg Extension

You will need a band or a towel to perform this stretch. Hold it for 30 seconds, and then repeat with the other leg.


With the back and neck down, fold the left ankle over the right thigh, just above the knee, and hold. Repeat with the other leg.

Back Scratch

You should reach the hands but not hunch over. Hold the stretch and then make the same on the other side.

Quad Stretch

Stand up straight and grab the top of your foot, hold, and repeat with the other foot.

Heel Chord

With the toe on the wall and the feet planted, bend the front knee toward the wall, and hold to stretch the back muscles.

Perform these 12 stretches regularly, and you will enjoy your pain-free life, full of energy!

Source: www.sundaystoryes.com