American Style Breakfast Pancakes


Measure 28g Ready brek into a bowl and add 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder. Mix thoroughly

Beat an egg and add it to the milk

Add the milk and beaten egg to the ready break and mix well.

Add the water if it looks too thick

The mixture should be slightly thicker consistency than normal pancake batter (the lack of flour makes it a bit more delicate)

Spray a frying pan with frylight

Fry the pancakes on both sides in small rounds. you may need to spread the mix a bit in the pan as it wont flow as well as normal batter. Cook until they puff up and are firm and bouncy to the touch.

The mix should make 3 small pancakes perfect for stacking!


I have tried these with chopped banana, raspberry, yogurt and today with chopped apple, quark and cinnamon. Basically- anything goes. I often add 1tsp of maple syrup, which is just one syn and totally worth it! If you wanted to go all american, you could add lean bacon to the side.