Amazing Baked Oats


Preheat your over on Gas Mark 7/200C for 10 minutes. Whilst this is preheating weigh out all the ingredients.

Place the porridge oats, egg, sweetener and vanilla extract in a bowl. Mix well until all ingredients are properly combined. Now add your blueberries and gently mix these in.

Transfer the mixture to an over proof dish which has good depth as it will rise. (I used a small ceramic one).

Place in the middle of the oven and cook for approximately 25 minutes or until golden and firm to the touch.

Bring out of the oven and let it cool for about 3 minutes. At this point you can either transfer the baked oats onto a plate or like me you can keep it inside the dish to serve.

Now top your baked oats with the yogurt and strawberries. If you like you could drizzle a little honey or maple syrup on top for 1syn extra. Now grab a spoon and enjoy!

Credits :  @swfeebs page