There’s no way to escape aging. It’s visible on your face, your hair, and your skin. Your joints seem to be too weary, your vision is blurred, and you feel tired all time.
The good thing is that food can help you slow down the aging process, and enjoy your youth a bit longer.
We give you 12 amazing foods to improve your vision, and maintain your health at optimal level. Your vision is important, and you should take care of it.
As explained by a BBC program:
“Lutein and zeaxanthin are found commonly in dark green leafy vegs such as kale and spinach, and also bell peppers, corn, and saffron. Meso-zeaxanthin is generally not found in plants — it is thought to be made in our bodies from lutein (although it is also present in some fish … ) These pigments, once we eat them, appear to be important in our vision and in helping keep the macula healthy.”
Increase the intake of lutein and zeaxanthin, and your eyes will appreciate that.
Mosley explained:
“The results of my tests were both fascinating and depressing. My detection of yellow and blue colors was extremely poor — something that [Professor John] Barbur said was likely the result of my brush with diabetes many years ago.
My night vision and perception of details were also poor compared with younger people — but consistent with my age. The Trust Me team then handed me a 90-day supply of supplement pills that were supposed to help.”
Within 3 months of consumption, lutein and zeaxanthin will improve your vision significantly. According to studies, 10mg of lutein and 2mg of zeaxanthin can regulate your vision and treat any vision issues.
“Should we all, then, be taking supplements to protect and even improve our eyesight? Well, the research certainly shows that supplements work.
Even for someone like me, who has a relatively healthy diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, and whose blood levels of the compounds that weren’t particularly low, the supplements helped.
However, some researchers believe that diet can simply be enough if we eat the right things,” Mosley explained.
You can find these in leafy greens like kale and spinach.
According to a recent study(NEXT PAGE)