Stop Eating These 5 Foods and Drinks and Start Having a Flatter Tummy

Who does not want to have a flatter tummy ? Surely there are times when you ogle on celebrities’ flat tummies and want to have the same. And when you hear their routines and diet, you might be thinking that it just won’t be possible to snag that flat tummy you have always wanted. But sometimes, all you need is to avoid some foods and drinks and you’re off to a good start. Here are five foods and drinks you must start ignoring in order to have that flatter tummy.

Too Much Carbs

Whether it is refined carbs or natural carbohydrates, you need to make sure you lessen your intake of these foods. Refined carbs are those that come from refined grains and these are often made into bread. Some vegetables, like potatoes, contain large amount of carbohydrates. If you eat a lot of carbohydrates-rich foods, then you should expect a few inches on your tummy. Carbohydrates, when not burned, can build up as fats around the tummy.


If the big tummies of alcoholics have not sent any warnings for you, then the facts about alcohol will make you stop drinking any. Alcohol contains a lot of calories and when drinking alcohol, it will surely want you to drink more and more. Even with proper exercise, you might be accumulating few inches on places you don’t want them to be.

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