7-Day Ketogenic Diet Meal Plan To Help Get Your Ass In Gear

7 Day Keto Diet Grocery List

The daily meals will be bacon and eggs, chicken with vegetables, and beef with vegetables. This are base meals and will provide good macros for some people. For others who need more food(fat) you can just add a keto friendly snack or 2 to get your macros up to where they need to be. This is what I need to do.

  • A dozen eggs.
  • A package bacon.
  • Butter. (real butter)
  • A pack of boneless SKIN ON chicken thighs
  • 1 onion.
  • 1 bell pepper (Green, red, yellow, that’s your choice.)
  • Two bulbs of garlic. (Optional, but very heart healthy.)
  • A big bag of mixed frozen vegetables, at least 12 cups worth. If you are not sure what to get, just pick something else that’s keto friendly like frozen broccoli.)
  •  a bag of almonds, a jar of almond butter (very expensive – cheapest I can find is 10$ for 750g at Costco).
  • A package of beef. You want to find some kind of beef that you can imagine cutting/dividing into 6 equal portions of about 5.5 ounces each(a bit bigger than a deck of cards.)

I Am Actually Cooking. Well…Some

I am not much for cooking but I am doing better. A ketogenic diet meal plan does work better when you have food ready to go. It takes the guess work out and we need to keep this as simple as possible in order to have success.

  • Put the 12 thighs in to the oven with all the cloves from a bulb of garlic. You should separate the cloves, but you don’t need to skin them. The heat from the oven will do that nicely, and you can peel them when you eat it.
  • While the thighs are cooking, hard boil the eggs. Then set them aside to cool.
  • Take a skillet, put some butter in it, and then fry up the bacon. (Note: Some might argue that the butter isn’t needed. In my experience you can either grease up that pan somehow, or your first strips of bacon will come out burnt.)
  • Dice up half the onion, save the other half for next week.
  • Cut up the pepper
  • You might need to take the chicken out at this point. If it’s done, pull it out, and let it cool.
  • In the skillet (I love to use the bacon grease as a base) sauté the pepper and half onion, and another bulb’s worth of garlic cloves. (leave the skin on, just like before.)
  • Add the beef and brown it.

Getting The Meals Together

  • Wash/rinse out 12 containers.
  • In 6 of them, put 2 chicken thighs each. Share the garlic between them, and evenly divide the fat juice.
  • In the other 6 evenly spoon out the beef/pepper/onion mix.
  • Take the veggie blend, evenly pour it across the 12 containers, right on top of the meat.
  • Put them all in your fridge. If you have minimal fridge space you could just put some in there, and then rest in your freezer. Just pull another out when you pull from the fridge.
  • Pull out six plastic bags and put 2 hard boiled eggs in each.
  • Evenly divide your remaining bacon by 6.
  • Now brown bag it, and put it in your fridge.

The Macronutrients of the Ketogenic Menu Plan

Right now you have 6 day’s worth of meals in your fridge

  • 6 bags with 2 hard boiled eggs and bacon
  • 6 containers of thighs/veggies
  • 6 containers Beef/Veggies

Okay so this is only 6 days. Make extra for day 7 OR you can try to get creative and plan your own meals. Ruled.me has some awesome keto recipes if you are feeling brave.

*I messed up. The macros of each “meal” above are too high in protein and too low in fat so reduce the amount of meat in each meal by about half AND add 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil to each meal(or some cheese). Please forgive me!!

For this base ketogenic meal plan I am going to use the following macronutrient profile that I helped someone set up for themselves:

Total calories- 1570

  • Net carbs – 20g per day
  • Protein  – 80 g per day
  • Fat  – 130 g per day

Now divide each of those by 3(for 3 meals per day) and you get:

  • ≈7 net carbs per meal
  • ≈26 grams protein per meal
  • ≈44 grams fat per meal

Omg, so much math! If you halve the protein in each meal you will be pretty close to these totals PER MEAL! 

Personally I need more protein and fat each day and so will some of you. So I add in some snacks, cheese, or keto fudge during the day to get my macros up where they need to be. I also drink homemade Bulletproof coffee which for me is:

  • 1 cup coffee
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp butter
  • 1 tbsp full fat coconut milk(in a can)

This adds about 25g of fat to my day.