Shitaraki noodles

These are full of fiber and have neither calories nor fat. They also do not have a real taste. This makes them good flavor absorbers. They can be served straight from the packet. However, it is recommended that they are rinsed, boiled then drained. In the self-service stores, they can be easily found where tofu is found. Since they are gaining popularity they are also found in retails stores for groceries.

Though I could not stand their fishy smell, they could have improved by now. My best choice still remains to be zoodles.

Whole grain pasta

Topping the list of healthy pasta is Barilla. Its varieties include protein plus and many others having white fiber, vegetables, whole grains and are also gluten free. Protein plus has egg whites, legumes, barley and flaxseed rich in omega three 3 added to it. This ensures it has high protein content. A serving of 2 ounces has a hundred and ninety calories, ten grams of proteins, four grams of fiber and has a really great taste.

Brown rice pasta is also another healthy alternative. It is rich in calcium and proteins. More to that it is gluten free.

Soba noodles

These noodles have a Japanese origin. They are full of protein and fiber. In addition to that, they have a nutty taste. They are made from buckwheat flour. This wheat has several health benefits and is also gluten free. The buckwheat is heart friendly, plays a major role in preventing heart diseases and has numerous phytonutrients and antioxidants which help in the prevention of many different diseases.

With these alternatives to pasta, one can have a pasta craving satisfied without adding extra pounds. They also make one feel energized and light. They are a perfect dish for pasta lovers who are watching their weight.

My all time favorite alternatives are zoodles and spaghetti squash. They can be mixed with marinara sauce and eaten together with meat balls.

Find your best alternatives from the above.