-Peppermint Oil

The European Journal of Medical Research published a study which showed that the peppermint oil treatment offer anti-inflammatory properties on the body. It can treat symptoms of bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and other chronic inflammatory disorders. Peppermint oil also has the power to cure sinusitis, coughs, colds and allergies.

  • Peppermint Oil Remedy: in case of a sore throat and to clean the sinuses just diffuse 5 drops of peppermint oil. It can also clean the mucus and allergens and relax the nasal muscles. In order to treat inflammation, just take 1-2 drops of pure peppermint internally.

-Lemon Oil

Lemon essential oil is very helpful and aids the lymphatic system to assist the body in overcoming any respiratory problems. Many studies have shown that lemon oil has the power to prevent the growth of bacteria and it also boosts the immune system. If you diffuse lemon essential oil and spray it at home you will eliminate bacteria in the air and prevent the allergy reactions.

  • Lemon Oil Remedy: just mix 1-2 drops of lemon essential oil in a glass of water and consume this to regulate the pH balance in the body. You can also make a mixture with water and lemon oil and spray it on the carpets, curtains, sheets, couches to eliminate all the bacteria, or you can add lemon essential oil to your laundry detergent.

Source: http://thehealthy-food.com