You know what’s more annoying than having belly and back fat? Having flabby arms!. This article will give you workouts to do at home to get rid of them. You can use weights or no equipment at all. Not only flabby arms feel weird but they also don’t look nice especially when they finally sag and make us look like we have bat wings! Yikes! It’s also hard to accept that some friends and family would not only tease you for those arms but also play with it too! They really like the jiggling but we definitely don’t! The only way to get the flab out is to get serious with our diet and exercise routine. As with everything, most fat loss routines start with a good diet but how about when it comes to making the muscles firm? We have exercise to answer that and we’ve compiled the best exercises to finally get rid of those pesky flabby arms.
These exercises mainly target the core but it gets your arms tense specially because they’re in a static position. This effectively tenses the arms and effectively works it to burn the fat.
All you need to complete the challenge is a pair of dumbbells; Millis suggests starting with five-pounders, though you can increase the weight or use different weights for different exercises, so you feel appropriately challenged. It’s clutch not to race through these moves; instead take your time to feel your muscles work — both on the exertion (the pushing or pulling action) and on the release. On days when you’re doing more than one set (noted by “x2” or “x3”), take a one-minute break before starting the next one. And on days that have more than one exercise, do them back-to-back with minimal rest, only taking that one-minute break between sets if there are more than one. The schedule also includes all-important rest days, which is the downtime your muscles need to repair from the work you’ve done, so they can become stronger than ever.
Many people perform this exercise with weight, but surprisingly it works great without using any weights. Make sure to focus on flexing on the muscles in your arms and back while pull your elbows back.
How to do it :
Start with both feet shoulder-width apart. Bend the knees while hinging the upper body from the hips. The butt has to be way behind. Hands must be straight under shoulders. Bend the elbows back while lifting the dumbbell or kettlebell towards the sides of the chest. Slowly lower the weights back to starting position. Rinse and repeat.
How to do it :
Stand with feet hip-width, tailbone tucked, and drawing navel in.
Hold dumbbells overhead pressed together. Rotate elbows in, and lower the weights down so they’re touching between shoulder blades. Straighten arms and squeeze triceps to raise dumbbells back overhead.
Perhaps one of the most popular exercises in the gym, the bicep curl simply works the arms in a way that focuses on making it bigger and stronger. Simple enough to do with relatively simple and light equipment. All you’ll need would be a dumbbells.
How to do it:
Go into an upright position on your knees hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing out. Carefully bring the dumbbells to your shoulders. Once they’re at your shoulders twist your wrist so your palms are facing you. Carefully push the dumbbells over your head. Slowly bring the down to the starting position.
Stand with feet hip-width. Hinge forward while keeping core tight, back flat, and sticking butt out.
Lock elbows by sides, press the weight back and straighten arms to lock completely. Pull back in to 90-degree angle, careful not to swing weight. Squeeze and hold for 2 seconds while extended for extra burn.