Many women dream of improving their shape but they cannot bring themselves to start training. They want to get rid of extra pounds and build a toned and taut butt without spending plenty of time at the gym. The squat is an effective and simple exercise which can help to build a strong and beautiful body.
Squats are a great way to tighten the muscles of the thighs and buttocks. They help to improve blood circulation, cure your cellulite, improve health and stamina and make your muscles strong and flexible.
Squats also burn fat and improve coordination and metabolism. You do not need any specialized equipment or plenty of space for this training. This thirty-day butt squat challenge routine is great for those who want to build round toned buttocks. If you perform this exercise correctly and regularly you will see great results within 1 month.
30-Day Squat Challenge
Day 1- 50 squats
Day 2- 55 squats
Day 3- 60 squats
Day 4- rest day
Day 5- 70 squats
Day 6-75 squats
Day 7- 80 squats
Day 8- rest day
Day 9- 100 squats
Day 10- 105 squats
Day 11- 110 squats
Day 12- rest day
Day 13-130 squats
Day 14- 135 squats
Day 15- 140 squats
Day 16 – rest day
Day 17- 150 squats
Day 18- 155 squats
Day 19 – 160 squats
Day 20 rest day
Day 21- 180 squats
Day 22-185 squats
Day 23-190 squats
Day 24- rest day
Day 25- 220 squats
Day 26-225 squats
Day 27- 230 squats
Day 28- rest day
Day 29 – 240 squats
Day 30- 250 squats
If you follow this workout plan, after only 30 days you will get the body you wanted. Then you should make a pause of several days and continue with other 30 days workout if you want to maintain the results.
The results you should expect:
Lose weight
Build muscles and get stronger
Get a perfect butt and legs
Improve balance
Improve coordination
Get healthier
Increases flexibility
Strengthens the core