3 Things That Happen When You Put Your Legs Up Against A Wall Every Day

Viparita Karani offers numerous benefits if practiced regularly, as follows:

  1. Increased Blood Flow and Reduced Inflammation

This pose will boost the blood flow and circulation throughout the entire body, reducing the swelling in the legs and fighting inflammation. It is also highly helpful in the case of pregnancy.

  1. Relaxation And Lowered stress

This pose boosts blood flow and relieves pain, so it relaxes the body, and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system to relax and avoid the “flight or fight mode”. This also fights inflammation and treats chronic pain and tension and improves sleep.

  1. Improved Hamstring Mobility and Relieved Lower Back Pain

This pose stretched the hamstrings, which cause lower back pain when shortened due to prolonged hours of sitting. It elongated them and reduces the pressure on the lower back.

Yet, even though it is highly beneficial, it can pose serious risks in the case of neck and back issues, so if you suffer from these problems, avoid the pose unless you perform it without the help you’re your physiotherapist or certified instructor.

Since it is an inversion, it can also lead to eye conditions like glaucoma. Avoid it during menstruation as well.

Therefore, Viparita Karani is a simple way to boost blood flow, relieve pain, relax the body and mind, and lower stress, so in order to reap its benefits, start practicing it regularly.

Source: www.healthy-holistic-living.com