8. Soothe bug bites

Combine 1/4 cup of Epsom salts and a cup of warm water. Let it cool in the fridge. Apply the mixture to the bite using a cotton pad to soothe pain and itching.

9. Remove splinters

According to the Epsom Salt Council, Epsom salt increases the osmotic pressure on the skin, and this helps drawing any foreign bodies towards the surface. Add a cup of Epsom salt to your bathtub and soak the affected area.

10. Keep your houseplants healthy

Add 1-2 tablespoons of Epsom salt per gallon of water and nourish your houseplants.

11. Relieve muscle pain

Epsom salt bath contribute to a more efficient detoxification through the skin and this is a traditional soaking agent that relieves muscle pain and stiffness.

12. Stimulate digestion

Epsom salt aids in the elimination of toxins and waste material from the body and the digestive system. It can be used as a laxative to soften stool, which will make it easier to pass, meaning it is an excellent remedy for constipation.

Add 1-2 teaspoons of Epsom salt to a cup of warm water and drink it on an empty stomach.

Do this once a day. Sometimes Epsom salt can cause side effects like gastrointestinal irritation, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. Always consult your doctor before using Epsom salt. Do not use it longer than a week. Soaking in Epsom salt reduces water retention and bloating.

13. Treat cold and flu

Hot bath with some Epsom salt added helps in treating colds and fighting infections. In this way you will recover much faster.

14. Sleep better

Epsom salt relaxes your body and provides a better sleep. Enjoying hot baths with some Epsom salt added in the evening an hour before you go to bed will help you sleep better.

This will increase your magnesium level. As we already mentioned, the lack of magnesium causes fatigue, stress, heart disease and joint pain. Fill your tub with some warm water and add a cup of Epsom salt and a cup of baking soda. Enjoy.

15. Get rid of foot odor

Soak your feet with warm water and add some Epsom salt. This will eliminate unpleasant odor, pain and heavy legs feeling. Soak the feet in for 15-20 minutes to improve blood circulation, reduce inflammation and soften your skin.

16. Remove burnt food from your pots and pans

Have you overcooked your oatmeal? Just scrub your pots and pans with a few tablespoons of Epsom salt, some soap and hot water. This will help you remove burnt food easily.

17. Grow your flowers, fruits and vegetables better

If you are growing tomatoes, just sprinkle a few tablespoons of Epsom salt at the base of the plant. This will keep it healthy and maximize the yield.

18. Improve nerve function

Regulate electrolytes. Calcium is the main conductor for the electrical current in your body. Magnesium maintains proper calcium levels in blood.

 19. Epsom salt delivers sulfates

Sulfates cannot be obtained through food but the body can absorb them though the skin. Researchers believe that sulfates are necessary for the formation of brain tissue, joint protein and mucin protein that line the walls of yur digestive tract.

Sulfates stimulate the generation of digestive enzymes and aids in the removal of medicine residues and environmental contaminants.

Sulfates are essential for the formation of brain tissue, joint protein, pancreas stimulation and mucin protein.

Article Source: Buy Non- GMO Seeds

Article originally posted on NaturalNews.com

Image Source: Real Pharmacy