One of the healthiest fruits on the planet is definitely avocado. The high amounts of healthy nutrients, especially healthy fats, which can provide many health benefits for you and your health in general make avocado so magical. It also tastes so delicious.
People who eat avocados tend to be healthier according to the researchers, with a much higher nutrient intake and lower Body Mass Index than those who don’t.
Here you will find 20 of these benefits.
Rich in Healthy Fats
We all know that avocados have high amounts of fats. But actually, these fats are good fats, having monounsaturated fats which help in reducing risk of heart attack or stroke and bad cholesterol levels in your blood.
Helping with Weight Loss
If you consume avocados regularly, it can help you with weight loss process. According to a Nutrition Journal’s study, if you consume just 1/2 avocado with your lunch can be helpful for those who are overweight. It can make you feel satiated for longer.
The participants said that, they had 40% lesser desire for eating for over 3 hours and 28% lesser desire for eating over 5 hours after their meal.
Controlling Blood Pressure
Avocados are rich in potassium and potassium is great in reducing sodium effects on the body means that a diet containing natural sources of potassium can help in blood pressure control. A fruit has 28% of the recommended daily dosage of potassium.
You should minimize your fat intake in other foods for balancing the fat levels because avocados have high fats.
Reducing Cholesterol Levels
1 in 3 American adults suffer from high cholesterol problems, according to the researchers. This doubles the risk of heart disease. Fortunately, you have so many natural methods for lowering cholesterol levels.
If you take avocados regularly is a great way to lower cholesterol levels. The fruit offers the following benefits:
- Lowering blood triglycerides
- Lowering total cholesterol levels
- Lowering LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol)
- Increasing HDL (good) cholesterol
Avocados have are more than 20 minerals and vitamins in each serving.
1 avocado gives you the following percentage of your Recommended Daily Values (RDV):
- Vitamin C – 33%
- Vitamin E – 21%
- Vitamin B6 – 26%
- Vitamin K – 53%
- Copper – 19%
- Folate – 41%
- Potassium – 28%
- Pantothenic Acid – 28%
Improved Nutrients Absorption
When you add 1/2 avocado to salad containing carrots, lettuce and spinach, you are absorbing 8.3 times the antioxidants alpha-carotene, 13.6 times beta-carotene and 4.3 times lutein.
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin E
- Vitamin K
- Vitamin D
- Some antioxidants
Preventing Diabetes
Diabetes is going to affect almost 40 percent people in the U.S. at one point in our lives. You must make sure to have your blood sugar levels balanced for minimizing this risk.
Actually, avocados can help in the regulation of your blood sugar levels. There is a study in which, the participants were given 1/2 avocado with their lunch and then their insulin and blood glucose levels were measured at certain intervals.
They had avocados in their food, which raised their carb and calorie content, but they didn’t show any increase in their blood sugar levels as compared to those who took normal lunch without avocado.
Avocados for Getting Pain Relief (NEXT PAGE)