2 APPLES, 1 LEMON AND 1 CUP OF OATS, Prepare To Lose Size Without Any Control

The green apple slows the absorption of sugar in the intestine, so it also prevents sudden releases of the hormone insulin, a fact that is directly related to the gain of body fat. Since you know all the benefits of the green apple to lose weight, eat well and do not forget to consume this fruit daily.


-125 gr of oats
-1/2 liters of mineral water
-1 Organic lemon
-2 Organic apple (preferably green)


Cut apples into small pieces. Pour the mineral water and put the chopped apples in your blender, incorporate your oats and mix until you get a nice smooth homogenous mixture. Pour the mixture into a bowl and then squeeze the juice of your organic lemon and stir in the mixture. Consume the smoothie once you are ready. If you prefer, you can do this before going to sleep.

This shake should be consumed every day for seven days. You can also consume with ice if you like it that way.